2007年3月24日 星期六


Summary of Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads

After Neil Walkingshaw was refused for switching to part-time hours to look after his child and knowing his boss had granted similar requests to female employees. He sued on law court and then he won a lawsuit. It is believed that the parental roles have changed over years. In the traditional view, women are always in the home and men always work outside. However, it is generally that fathers attend and take responsibility for child rearing. Researchers found that children’s development by their fathers was in a different way in emotion and in physic from by their mothers. Studies also found that if the fathers in the home could lower the juvenile crime rates. Recently, some organizations encourage the fathers to attend more actives to their children’s lives. Experts believed that if the father’s role in raising children is as important as the mother’s. Men will take their parental duties more serious one day.

1 則留言:

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