2007年3月12日 星期一



Hello,everyone ! I am Rachel Lee , I am now studying in The Department of Applied Foreign Language in the Chung Shan Medical University . May be someone will ask me that why I am interested in studying foreign languages . Well , because I want to take trips to many countries . And during those trips in those countries , I do not want to rely on tourist guide , instead I like to deal with things by myself . If I could speak many foreign languages , especially English , then I could do plenty of things by myself with out the language obstacal . Speaking many foreign languages fluently also makes me feel sense of superiority . And in order to achieve the goal , I will study as hard as I can .

There were four people in my family . Dad , Mom , my younger brother and I . My Dad is a restaurant runner , a restaurant which called “New House” . My Mom is a virtuous materfamilias , she takes care of our family pretty well . And my younger brother , who is a poor student in the third year in senior high school , is now studying very hard for being admitted to a university . Oh , I forgot to introduce the new member , Doggie , a very cute little dog which join in my family for only few weeks . So there are four people and one dog in my family now . My family is liven up since Doggie join in .

Let’s talk about some of my tastes . One of my tastes is dancing . I like dancing , so I join in the dancing college in the university . Although it is hard when learning new dance steps , I always feel comfort after I play a perform successful . Another is going shipping with friends . I like to dress myself beautiful , and the time with friends . The other is listening to music , especially light music . Every time I feel sad or tired , I always listen to some light music . It makes me feel relax and great , then I will be better . I also love listening to May Day’s songs , they are my favourite band . The songs they write are meaningful and ,all of the melody and the words are composed by themselves . They have rich talent , I really love them .

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Dear Rachel~
I'm Mrs.Bow,your dear mother>///<
You are a cute and dreaminess girl!
It's so happy when talk with you~
I like you so much~~

Chuehjung Lee(Rachel) 提到...

Dear mother~
I like you so much, too.>///<
I am so glad at being your doughter.
You are really a great mother.
I will be a good doughter.^^

Tabris.K 提到...

Dear Rachel
I'm "small tall" XD
Nice introduction, it's nice to see you dance. Welcome to here :)