2007年3月24日 星期六


Summary of Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads

After Neil Walkingshaw was refused for switching to part-time hours to look after his child and knowing his boss had granted similar requests to female employees. He sued on law court and then he won a lawsuit. It is believed that the parental roles have changed over years. In the traditional view, women are always in the home and men always work outside. However, it is generally that fathers attend and take responsibility for child rearing. Researchers found that children’s development by their fathers was in a different way in emotion and in physic from by their mothers. Studies also found that if the fathers in the home could lower the juvenile crime rates. Recently, some organizations encourage the fathers to attend more actives to their children’s lives. Experts believed that if the father’s role in raising children is as important as the mother’s. Men will take their parental duties more serious one day.


The story of Tom’s Diner

One day morning, Suzanne sat in a café’ shop which was on the corner. She was waiting for the coffee which she ordered. She opened the newspaper to read a story about an actor who was died. After the waiter put the coffee, he watched outside. There was someone coming in. The woman who came in and shacked her umbrella. Then the woman walked to the waiter, they kissed with each other by face saying good morning. Suzanne pretended not to see them; instead she purred the milk into the coffee. Then Suzanne found there was another person stand by the window it seemed that she was looking at Suzanne. But the woman didn’t. The woman watched her own reflection on the window, then hitched her skirt and straighten her stockings. Suzanne then drunk the coffee and went to catch the train.

2007年3月20日 星期二

My favorite song

My favorite song

My favorite song is “The Angel”, one song was composed by “Mayday”. Maybe you will ask me who is “Mayday”. Well, “Mayday” is a very famous band, and also my favorite band. There are five people in the band. I love them and their music very much. Their music has many different styles. Some make people get high, another make people feel sad and the other make people touched. They are all talented. Almost every song in their albums was composed by themselves, no matter the melody or the lyric. And this song “The Angel”, which is my favorite song, is one song in the latest album. I like the song as soon as I listen to it at first time. Whenever I listen to the song, it makes me feel warm and touched. The melody is so pleasing to ear and the words is really meaningful. As a matter of fact, I like all of Mayday’s songs. If you want me to choose one that I like best. Admit of no doubt, I will tell you this song “The Angel”.

2007年3月12日 星期一



Hello,everyone ! I am Rachel Lee , I am now studying in The Department of Applied Foreign Language in the Chung Shan Medical University . May be someone will ask me that why I am interested in studying foreign languages . Well , because I want to take trips to many countries . And during those trips in those countries , I do not want to rely on tourist guide , instead I like to deal with things by myself . If I could speak many foreign languages , especially English , then I could do plenty of things by myself with out the language obstacal . Speaking many foreign languages fluently also makes me feel sense of superiority . And in order to achieve the goal , I will study as hard as I can .

There were four people in my family . Dad , Mom , my younger brother and I . My Dad is a restaurant runner , a restaurant which called “New House” . My Mom is a virtuous materfamilias , she takes care of our family pretty well . And my younger brother , who is a poor student in the third year in senior high school , is now studying very hard for being admitted to a university . Oh , I forgot to introduce the new member , Doggie , a very cute little dog which join in my family for only few weeks . So there are four people and one dog in my family now . My family is liven up since Doggie join in .

Let’s talk about some of my tastes . One of my tastes is dancing . I like dancing , so I join in the dancing college in the university . Although it is hard when learning new dance steps , I always feel comfort after I play a perform successful . Another is going shipping with friends . I like to dress myself beautiful , and the time with friends . The other is listening to music , especially light music . Every time I feel sad or tired , I always listen to some light music . It makes me feel relax and great , then I will be better . I also love listening to May Day’s songs , they are my favourite band . The songs they write are meaningful and ,all of the melody and the words are composed by themselves . They have rich talent , I really love them .